Saturday, October 27, 2007

What NOT to wear!!!

In some of my earlier posts, I mentioned how fashion has become a major outlet in promoting awareness about global warming. When looking for research, I found several examples of clothing companies and organizations that made shirts and other clothes with catchy environmental slogans. Recently, with all the major hype being focused on the environmental issue of global warming, fashion knew that it had to get involved in some way! But unfortunately, not all the ways were the best…actually some of them were some real fashion no no’s. Can someone please call the fashion police!
To promote awareness about global warming successful fashion company Diesel Jeans decided to make several controversial ads about the pressing effects of global warming. Now some may see these ads as an artistic way of promoting a serious global issue while promoting Diesel fashions. But on the other hand, the campaign message of “GLOBAL WARMING CANT STOP OUR LIVES” that Diesel may be trying to promote is not the message they’re sending. In the following pictures, Diesel shows their various models in famous locations such as New York City and Rio de Janeiro modeling Diesel Jeans or accessories but with the background flooded by water, one of the major effects global warming can have!
WHAT? That doesn’t make sense! In the this blog, the author viewed Diesel as a fashion company that was not promoting awareness about the issue but actually promoting the issue itself and as a GOOD THING! And by the looks of these ads, I have to agree that even though Diesel is illustrating the dramatic effects of global warming I feel like they are not spreading awareness about the issue appropriately. Many companies have clearly used fashion as their artistic outlet to express their concerns with global warming but these Diesel ads are just not IT!
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that Diesel is trying to make global warming awareness apart of their latest fashion campaign; it's just the way they executed their campaign that doesn’t work! And it is obvious that I am NOT the only one who disagrees with Diesel’s attempt for a controversial fashion statement; other websites and blogs have expressed their opinions about the Diesel campaign. BUT the one thing that can be said about this whole situation is that even though the message wasn’t the one they intended to spread, the controversial Diesel ads have definitely been getting global warming a name in fashion!


Krista said...

I think that spreading awareness about global warming through fashion is such a good idea especially since we all shop and are surrounded by trends in popular culture. And i don't know if this is just something I do, but when i see someone's shirt that has words on it, I have to read it because i know its all about making a statement. It gets people to actually think for themselves about the issue rather than it going "in one ear and out the other" from someone's opinion. It really sucks that the Diesel company tried to promote awareness in global warming and it came off wrong. At least we know some of these companies actually care and are trying to help; they just need a better marketing agent! I think it would really help if famous actors, actresses, singers, and all the icon we look to for the newest styles ans trends should help promote this issue. Are there any stars who are currently trying to help the global warming awareness?

Dev Patel said...

Doing things to promote global warming awareness should be applauded but it should b e done the right way. In the ad the people look too happy to realize that the city is flooded. Also, it can make people wonder how they got tap water from a flooded city. Doing things to make a statement is good especially through fashion because it is readily visible. Many shirts have catchy sayings today, with some trying to promote a message. These type of shirts should increase in production so people find out not only about major issue but obscure ones as well.

Fashionable Tree Hugger said...

Response to Krista:

Despite what some of the media has shown, there have been a few celebrities who are making an effort to promote awareness about global warming. For example, recently there was a Live Earth Concert with several artists from Alicia Keys to Linkin Park that all performed to help raise awareness.
BUT hopefully, Diesel jeans will get the message next time about freedom of expression and remember that you want to promote awareness and not the issue itself!

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with your point that Diesel did not do a great job bringing about awareness. Although they were able to expose more people to the effects of global warming they did not portray the effects as detrimental. Many young people do not follow the news and they get their information through outlets such as fashion magazines and entertainment news, which means that they may not get accurate facts. It is important that advertisers use their power in a positive manner that will allow consumers to not only learn but take action, while still consuming the merchandise.