Sunday, November 4, 2007

All good things come to an end.

After about a month of blogging about global warming awareness and its effectiveness, I have learned SO much about the issues and the things we can do to reduce its effects. In the beginning of this project, I was so naïve and had no idea what I was getting myself into. The only thing that I knew was that I wanted to have a blog that was interesting, accurate and informative while being entertaining at the same time. And of course, I wanted to tie in my love for fashion and clothes with my desire to learn more about global warming. But now, about one month later, I realize that I have done more than just create a successful blog about global warming awareness, I have become a better writer, as well.
Throughout this process, I have challenged myself to think differently and write in a way that was humorous like my personality yet factual and informative because this blog was also for a grade. And through this process, I have seen my writing progress with each post and argument that I presented. In the beginning, my first few posts were very conversational and probably not as informative as my fellow classmates' first blogs but it was me and my style of writing. But as you look at the rest of my posts, I realized I was able to maintain that lighthearted, humorous tone while becoming more informative with each post. But when talking to others about my blog, many said that was one of the things they liked about my blog. They enjoyed reading a blog that would have factual information but still be humorous at the same time. In my opinion, I believe that was one of my ultimate goals for this blog: taking a somewhat boring subject to college students and presenting it in a humorous and interesting way!
On a different note, when I look at my blog and this process I think about how my thoughts about internet research and new ideas have changed. At the start of this process, I wasn’t exactly sure how to use all the research that I found about my topic. But as the blogging continued, I quickly learned how to use the internet to my advantage. One of the cool aspects about this project was that ability to use research in a whole new way. In research papers and essays you can only use certain types of research to prove or exemplify your point. But with an online blog, I was able to post videos, online blogs and pictures that were the epitome of my subject. I believe that it was this new feature of internet research that made my fellow classmates and me enjoy looking and finding new information about our topics.
Another major impact this project had on me as a writer was the effect it had on my thought process and my understanding about my topic. As I mentioned earlier, my main goal in the beginning was honestly to write about the awareness of global warming with a fashion twist. But as this month went on, I learned more than just how fashion can promote awareness about this serious issue and how my opinion about my topic changed as well. Originally I would have not considered myself a true tree hugger because I knew a few things about global warming and I recycled too but that was about it. I also believed that global warming was a problem but NOT that bad of a problem. After researching this topic and learning more than I ever thought about the effective ways to promote awareness, I have learned how to think green! Now when I see or hear anything about the environment, I stop and listen because I realize how much our impact on the environment can have an effect on our future lives, especially mine! My attitude about what I can do has also changed because now I see that I have to make difference. Global warming is not just a current problem but a problem that will affect my life and my children’s life.
Lastly, this blog unit has allowed me to grow as thinker by reading and commenting on my fellow classmates' blogs. Throughout the project, not only did I learn a lot about my topic but I learned so much about other pressing public issues that are affecting our generation. In fact, during this process I quickly learned that some of the other blogs from my class were related to mine in some way. For example, one of my classmates focused her blog on the aerial shooting of wolves and in one of her posts, she explained how global warming had been affecting the wolves’ population and habitat. After reading blogs like that and others, I realized that global warming affected more than just people but everything…animals included! Another thing that I liked about reading other students' blogs was getting the chance to see how other people felt about various issues. Each blog had its own individual voice that was portrayed through the way the posts were written, how the blog looked, and the information used within the entire blog.
In the end, I have actually enjoyed this project more than I thought I would because it allowed the students in my class to express themselves in THEIR own way. Even though this project was a bit odd in the beginning, I finally see why it was a great idea in the end. So as I conclude my last post for a while, I hope I have touched at least one person to think about his or her impact on global warming and how it can be fixed. But until next time: GO GREEN!

Friday, November 2, 2007

SO what can be done to save the world?

Throughout this entire process, I have learned so much about the various ways of promoting effective awareness about global warming. Whether it’s from TV commercials, Internet blogs or catchy t-shirts, awareness about the serious issue of global warming has increased significantly and its effectiveness has influenced many.
However, there is no single way to stop global warming; all we can do is help reduce the effects global warming will have on our planet and on us. But we can do this by changing how we live our everyday lives and the impact we have on the Earth. The best way to possibly reduce global warming is by change…by you!
As citizens of Earth, if we learn how to use the energy sources that we have effectively while becoming involved with other environmentally friendly activities,we can make a major impact on global warming. One of best ways to reduce our effects on global warming is to cut back on the unnecessary energy we use. For example, when you are not in a room in your house or dorm, remember to turn the light(s) off. Leaving the lights on in a room when no one is present is a use of unnecessary energy. Another simple way to help save the environment is by remembering the three R’s or Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Many people forget that by simply reducing how much we use, reusing the things we use and then recycling the things we use, we can make a positive impact on our globle.
However, if you feel like you can do more than just recycle and save energy, you can team up with environmental organizations to take action! Getting involved with your local community or even with a nationwide event can be a huge impact to the reduction of global warming. But if you don’t have time to volunteer or get involved, you can always make a donation to major environmental organizations. And if you want to be like me and make a fashion statement while promoting awareness, you can buy t-shirts and clothing that not only support the fight against global warming but make you look stylish too!
All these ways will help reduce the effects of global warming and will help spread awareness about our environmental crisis. But remember the only way we can effectively reduce the effects of global warming is by making a difference and making the CHANGE!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Singing our way to a better Earth

In July of 2007, Al Gore organized one of the biggest venues for global warming awareness with the Live Earth Concert. The 24-hour music marathon was a series of several concerts in various locations around the world with artists from every genre of music. Now that’s what I call worldwide promotion!
The concert marathon began in the states with Al Gore and country stars, Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, at Washington Mall and then traveled all over the world to New York, London, Tokyo, Rio de Janerio and Seoul. Apart from traveling the world, the Live Earth Concert was a showcase of various musical artists including Alicia Keys, Madonna, Pharrell, Linkin Park, Rihanna, Xuxa, and Lenny Kravitz, who were trying to spread awareness about global warming.
However, the concerts didn’t just raise awareness about this environmental issue, it encouraged fans to take action too! At every concert venue, the location would use recycled goods for the show and stage set while promoting ways to reduce your impact on global warming. In London when Madonna performed, the stadium turned off their lights before the star took the stage, leaving the entire show in the dark “except for the glow of exit lights and the flashes of cameras.” Another thing that celebrities tried to stress to their fans is that it all begins with you and that it shouldn’t end when the concert did. Before leaving the stage, Madonna told her audience, "Let's hope the concerts that are happening around the world are not just about entertainment, but about starting a revolution.” At each of the venues, fans were encouraged to take small steps to going green, from learning how to recycle to unplugging electrometrical devices when not in use.
Well, from the looks of this Live Earth concert sensation, Al Gore is on a roll with his global warming awareness campaign! But don’t worry, even though Gore is a passionate advocate against global warming, he is NOT trying to run for office. He just wants our nation to realize what is happening with the Earth. After his Live Earth Event, he told the press “I've been trying to deliver this message for 30 years, and I know that it doesn't take in just one delivery.” Of course, we are not expecting to see dramatic change any time soon but the goal now is simply to inspire others to make a change. And in the words of Al Gore, “You've [just] got to keep going” and that’s exactly what we’ll do!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Extra Extra Read ALL about it!!

Three blogs that I enjoy reading and encourage YOU to read:
So, I have a few questions for you….ready? Ok! Do you like reading blogs written by young individuals with their own strong opinion? Are you looking for some more interesting online reading? And do you want to help some other students get A’s on our English project? Well, if you answered yes to all these questions then this post is for YOU! The following blogs have been written by some of my fellow classmates and they discuss various issues from global warming to the death penalty. But the amazing thing is this project has allowed our class to use our various opinions about public issues and express them through blog writing and comments. Listed below are three blogs that I enjoy reading and cover a number of issues that many would not have expected from college freshmen!
Global warming: yes or no?
With the topic of global warming being as big as it is you couldn’t expect just one person to write about it! But in this case, my classmate and fellow tree hugger wrote about the actual issue of global warming and whether it’s happening or not. Compared to mine, his blog is more environmentally friendly with the usual green and white colors with graphic pictures of the Earth. But like mine, it is about global warming and expresses the major issues of this environmental disaster from a scientific perspective. But the good thing about his blog is that it doesn’t use a lot of scientific terminology that would get you really confused. He uses enough terminology to maintain his scientific perspective which is always nice to see when reading about a topic like global warming. I enjoy reading his blog because it discusses a part of my issue from another point of view and from another perspective.
But if global warming is not for you then this blog might interest you especially if you are aware of some of the major issues with abortion. But unlike some of the blogs in our class, this student chose to use a very dramatic picture at the top of his page. The dramatic visual not only draws the reader into the subject but makes the reader think about the issue, as well. In this blog, my fellow classmate chose to write about abortion from an informational point of view while incorporating several opinions about the issue. I also like the blog’s use of information and sources because he uses a lot of information from links and websites that he has hyperlinked in his posts; but you can also tell he is very informed about his topic and his opinion.
People shouldn’t kill people, so neither should the government
Last but certainly not least, this last blog is about the ever changing and controversial issue of the death penalty. My fellow classmate did a very good job of explaining the death penalty and all the recent news that has surrounded this public issue. But in my opinion, it’s the simplicity of his blog and detailed however not overwhelming posts that make his blog an easy, informational read. Every time I read his blog, I learn something new about the debate of the death penalty and increase my knowledge about this pressing issue in the United States. And if you are looking for something controversial but informational, I definitely recommend that you read this blog and really ask yourself if “people shouldn’t kill people, then why should the government?”
Well, there you have my three favorite blogs to read, written by my fellow classmates! If you choose to read any or all of these blogs, you will soon realize how writing can allow young minds to express their opinions and ideas!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I really want to help but HOW?

Throughout the past few years as awareness about global warming has increased, more and more people realize that they DO want to help reduce the effects of global warming but don’t know how! Well this should help! The following links are websites and blogs that I have used throughout my blogging process and could help you learn various ways to help the environment.
First, one of the websites that I found to be very helpful for viewers is World Coolers. It is an interactive website that not only links you to other sites but gives you access to various articles and blogs related to global warming. But it doesn’t stop there! World Coolers also gives viewers the ability to download their World Coolers’ Collactive Desktop, which sends updates and information about the latest news in global warming and ways that you can get involved. To visit this site and learn more about World Coolers visit,
This next link is one that I love and will continue to use even after this project is over can be found using the AOL search engine. It is another interactive website that allows you to learn all about global warming and its effects but it will also help you realize how much you are causing global warming. Yes that’s right I said… “how much you are causing global warming”! Many people forget that there are several little things we can do to help reduce the effects of global warming but to also increase the effects of global warming. On this website, viewers can access other blogs, websites and information about global warming. There’s even a link to a website that will calculate how much you impact the increase of global warming and then show you ways to help reduce these effects. To find out more, visit
Now for those of you who are my more avid tree huggers and environmentalists this website is for YOU! The Take Global Warming Seriously website is a great link for individuals, who are already informed about global warming and want to do something more. The website has outlined everything the Take Global Warming Seriously group is trying to accomplish from the objective of the website to ways you can help their campaign. To learn more about this group and their functions for getting involved visit,
Lastly, this is one of the few websites that I found that were interactive and informative for viewers. The Be Green website allows its viewers to calculate their impact on global warming while showing them ways to get involved to make a difference. But the cool thing about this website is it also allows you to send this link to friends by email! Pretty great huh! So, to get involved and to tell others about global warming as well visit,
Hopefully, these links and others posted on my blog will help you learn more about global warming and how you can do something to help!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What NOT to wear!!!

In some of my earlier posts, I mentioned how fashion has become a major outlet in promoting awareness about global warming. When looking for research, I found several examples of clothing companies and organizations that made shirts and other clothes with catchy environmental slogans. Recently, with all the major hype being focused on the environmental issue of global warming, fashion knew that it had to get involved in some way! But unfortunately, not all the ways were the best…actually some of them were some real fashion no no’s. Can someone please call the fashion police!
To promote awareness about global warming successful fashion company Diesel Jeans decided to make several controversial ads about the pressing effects of global warming. Now some may see these ads as an artistic way of promoting a serious global issue while promoting Diesel fashions. But on the other hand, the campaign message of “GLOBAL WARMING CANT STOP OUR LIVES” that Diesel may be trying to promote is not the message they’re sending. In the following pictures, Diesel shows their various models in famous locations such as New York City and Rio de Janeiro modeling Diesel Jeans or accessories but with the background flooded by water, one of the major effects global warming can have!
WHAT? That doesn’t make sense! In the this blog, the author viewed Diesel as a fashion company that was not promoting awareness about the issue but actually promoting the issue itself and as a GOOD THING! And by the looks of these ads, I have to agree that even though Diesel is illustrating the dramatic effects of global warming I feel like they are not spreading awareness about the issue appropriately. Many companies have clearly used fashion as their artistic outlet to express their concerns with global warming but these Diesel ads are just not IT!
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that Diesel is trying to make global warming awareness apart of their latest fashion campaign; it's just the way they executed their campaign that doesn’t work! And it is obvious that I am NOT the only one who disagrees with Diesel’s attempt for a controversial fashion statement; other websites and blogs have expressed their opinions about the Diesel campaign. BUT the one thing that can be said about this whole situation is that even though the message wasn’t the one they intended to spread, the controversial Diesel ads have definitely been getting global warming a name in fashion!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My theory on this whole global warming thing?

To better understand how we are promoting awareness about global warming we should examine the various outlets we are using to increase familiarity with this issue. In today's society we utilize several cultural aspects of our lives to promote issues such as global warming. Through my research, I have found that we have used everything from billboards to clothes to promote awareness about global warming. We have also become more inclined to listen and support celebrities and political figures who fight the war against global warming even if we do not know too much about the issue ourselves.
However, I believe the most effective sources of promotion are the uses of fashion, media and national movements. Nowadays, one can walk into your local Target or visit an exclusive vendor online and see t-shirts and clothing that have environmental slogans or promote awareness through images and sayings. The media is using their powerful influence to promote awareness with ads and commercials that offer suggests and tips to help reduce the effects of global warming. Then public figures like Al Gore continue to fight the war against global warming through his film and other environmental activities. Lastly, different organizations are trying to promote national movements like Global No Drive Day that will help reduce major cause of global warming.
The issue of public awareness of global warming is a polarizing issue where we often ask if we are promoting awareness the right or wrong way. By using these various promotion outlets we can effectively promote awareness about this serious issue that is happening faster than we thought.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

VOTE 4 ME...even though I won't do anything about Global Warming!

As many of you know, the environment and global warming are two major issues that political candidates use in their campaigns to gain votes. However, the real question is how many of those candidates actually keep their campaign promises to help reduce global warming and save the environment? Last time I checked, there weren’t too many!
On the other hand, there is one politician who has kept his word to promote awareness about global warming and has gained much support from others for his efforts. Recently, ex-vice president Al Gore has become quite an advocate against global warming and the effects it’s currently having on our planet and what the future Earth would be like with increased global warming. So how did Gore manage to pull off one of the nation’s most successful global warming campaigns? Simple three words… "An Inconvenient Truth”. In 2006, Al Gore released his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” which discusses global warming, the effects it’s having on the Earth now and in the future and what we can do to help reduce its effects on the Earth.
And if you think this documentary is some boring science film with an ex-VP pointing at graphs and pictures of Earth …well you are so very wrong! “An Inconvenient Truth” is an informative yet entertaining and interesting film because it allows viewers to learn about the current effects of global warming and gets the viewer thinking about the Earth’s future. The documentary shows viewers dramatic visuals of the Earth now and in the future if the Poles were to melt and various locations would soon become flooded. The movie also suggests various ways one can help reduce the effects of global warming and facts to help viewers become more aware about what is going on. So the next time you're in Blockbuster check out “An Inconvenient Truth” and see what the man has to say! You might surprise yourself by learning something new and becoming inspired to help the cause.
Finally, Al Gore has continued his global warming success by becoming a recent winner of a Noble Peace Prize. Winning this award, not only helps Al Gore as a respectable politician but as a representation of an individual fighting against global warming and being given recognition for his efforts. Honestly, all I can say is “Congrats Gore!” because he deserves it.
My only hope is that with this major news in environmental history, people will begin to realize that global warming is happening before our very eyes and that we CAN do something about it! The only question that remains is WHEN? When we will take a stand against global warming…and when we do…will it be TOO late?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When I say “GO” you say “GREEN”… “GO GREEN!”

So let’s define the issue. What are we doing to make the general public aware of the dangerous effects of global warming? Well as a whole we aren’t doing much but there are some key individuals and cultural groups who have been doing something about it! And believe it or not there are several ways for you to help prevent global warming and to spread awareness about the issue.
Like any concerned American I wonder what can I do to help prevent global warming and what is our nation doing to promote awareness? Well, this is what I have to say to that! So listen up if you want to learn how YOU can make a difference!
First things first - let’s take a look at what celebrities and super stars are doing about this issue. When I was searching for information about global warming I found an interesting website that highlighted a failed attempt by music artist to spread global awareness. Basically various artists came together to perform in benefit concerts that would promote awareness and funds for global warming. But according to the article the concert was more of a global flop then a global phenomenon. Maybe next time!
Moving on, since our musical celebrities failed to spread the word about global warming well, we can look to movies and films to express these issues effectively. In recent news, research has shown that some movies and films have had a major impact on influencing people to make a difference. Some films have set up a donation process that will allow individuals to donate money to environmental associations to help the fight against global warming.
But when movies and celebrities aren’t your thing who do you turn to…the politicians…maybe! Global warming and its dangerous effects on the Earth have become major political issues that many candidates are including in their campaigns. However, the question is what are politicians actually doing about the issue, besides using it to get all the tree huggers and environmentalists to vote for them? Well that’s a good question and so far only ex - vice president Al Gore has been able to answer it effectively. Recently, Al Gore has gone above and beyond others in promoting awareness about global warming and its harmful effects with his powerful and dramatic documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”. Then to top off his environmental success he recently won a Noble Peace Prize for his efforts with global warming awareness. Obviously Gore knows what it means to “Go green” and he’s one of the few politicians out there who doesn’t care about trying to get the vote but trying to make a difference!
But moving on! When you can’t depend on your local politician or your favorite celebrity to spread effective awareness, you can now turn to television ads for environmental advice. Today, many service groups that promote awareness about serious issues like smoking and drunk driving spread their message through TV media and PSAs (public service announcements). Now global warming will join them with catchy slogans and easy to remember facts and visuals. By using this new technique to spread awareness about global warming the major goal is to get people thinking and acting on the issue. Hopefully, someday soon people will remember catchy slogans like “Friends don’t let their friends burn fossil fuels” and “Got GREEN?”
Then last but definitely not least: fashion and global warming. Who would have thought the two would go together? Honestly, I believe the two go together perfectly…just like peanut butter and jelly! However, there have been occassions when fashion companies have made an attempt to promote the environmental issues and ended up with not much success similar to the musicians and their benefit concerts. But on the other hand, apart from those one or two fashion mistakes several clothing companies and designers have made successful efforts toward the cause of going green! So it is possible to be fashionably savvy and a tree hugger at the same time! Obviously, it can be done because I’ve been able to maintain that title effectively (ie. Fashionable tree hugger)!
Whew…now that’s a lot of information but please don’t feel compelled to think about all these different elements at once because trust me I won’t either! Global warming is a BIG issue and the various ways to spread awareness about the environmental heat wave could go on forever! But as I dig deeper into this issue I’ll work my way through these various ways and narrow down what you can do! Now, as you think about these possible solutions remember green is SO the new color of the year!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Real Talk: Why is it getting "Hot in HERE"?

For the past few years, science has been stating that global warming is here and that it will destroy our Earth and US if we’re not careful! But for real, as citizens of Earth how aware are we about global warming? Do you feel like you really know what’s going on? Do you feel like our nation is promoting awareness about this serious environmental issue? And can you believe that some people still don't believe that global warming is real?
These are the many questions that strike the American population today as we begin our fight against global warming. But honestly how are we supposed to go to war against greenhouse gases and pollution if no body tells us what’s going on here? Unfortunately, many Americans don’t know the facts about global warming! Research has shown that as Americans we make up 5% of the world’s population but we also produce about 25% of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Yeah I bet you didn’t know that! Well don’t feel bad if you didn’t; many people still don’t realize that the United States is one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases. But in the future we could become one of the biggest allies for preventing the effects of global warming. Now that sounds like a plan!
In my opinion, the United States has been trying to increase its efforts to bring awareness to global warming because it is finally becoming a pressing issue. It has only been in the past few years that as the temperatures around the world have become significantly hotter that we have decided to make a conscientious effort to become aware of this environmental epidemic. But research has shown that global warming has been going on for years but it’s only now that we’ve decided to pay attention to nature’s signs. See Mother Nature has been warning us for a while…but the big bad US decided not to listen. Maybe we should have listened sooner?
But how are we letting the world know what’s going on? And how do we let people know that they CAN make a difference? Well as science is becoming more informed about this issue of our globe, other aspects of our culture have been making an effort to promote awareness. For example, more celebrities and music artists are using their talents and existing fan base to bring awareness about global warming and how it's definitely getting “hot in here!” Politicians have also been using global warming as one of their major campaign promises. But the only person who can truly prevent global warming is YOU! If each person does his or her share, then our goal for a greener global environment will be more successful! So are you with me? Let’s go GREEN!

Monday, October 8, 2007

We Be Burnin'....but WHY?

For those of you who are hip hop fans you probably recognize part of my title from Sean Paul’s summer single, “We Be Burnin,” but he was not referring to global warming. On the other hand, I AM referring to global warming because honestly “we be burnin” and it’s no laughing matter (so no lol - laugh out loud - here). Global warming is really happening and we should actually figure out why.
OK…so before we can figure how to stop global warming, we should probably know what global warming really is. refers to global warming as “an increase in the earth’s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and may result from the greenhouse effect.” For those of you who aren’t familiar with environmental terminology, the greenhouse effect is defined as “a planetary atmosphere warming phenomenon, resulting from the absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric constituents.” According to it is simply the act of “ radiant energy arriv[ing] at the planetary surface mainly as visible light from the Sun, which is then re-emitted by the surface at infrared wavelengths as heat. Carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere absorb this infrared radiation and behave as a blanket, with the net effect that atmospheric temperatures rise.”
Ok, so in regular terms, the greenhouse effect is caused by our increased use of fossil fuels and mass destruction of forests which are both increasing the effect of the Sun’s radiation on the Earth and thereby causing the Earth’s atmosphere, which can usually absorb all this radiation, to become weakened and less effective, causing global temperatures to rise.
Today, scientific research has shown that the temperature has been rising and the weather in many areas has been warmer than usual. Everybody’s noticed that….I mean why is it still 90 degrees in October! Clearly something is going on and global warming is the cause. So it is obvious that there is some truth to why we’ve been “burnin” so much this year and I think we need to start making a change.

Now Introducing....ME! and my purpose

Hello there! Currently, I am a college student studying broadcast journalism at UNC Chapel Hill and I’m interested in getting involved with public issues. Clearly…or I wouldn’t be a journalism major! But I’m actually really interested in the current issues of global warming and how our nation is promoting awareness about this environmental issue.
I am also interested in the different forms of global warming promotion and the effects global warming may have in the future if we do not act now. For instance, many of my blogs will contain information or lead to other websites with information about how people can do little things to help the fight against global warming. I will also look into how fashion and clothing companies are making an effort to promote awareness about global warming and how some celebrities are doing a good or bad job promoting this issue. But enough about my blog and more about me!
Apart from being interested in pubic issues, (ie. Global warming) I am also an avid fashion lover, member of the university’s modeling troupe and shopping fanatic. However, when you combine the two you get an individual interested in inspiring change and awareness for public effort through freedom of expression and fashion.
As a fashionable college student, my goal for this blog is to encourage everyone, especially young adults, to get involved with the promotion of global warming because it will be our future to live in. So whether it’s quick tips about how everyone can help fight global warming or supporting clothing lines with slogans like “Green is the new BLACK” I hope to inspire and influence change for our environment. I know that sounds a lot like a Miss America claim (ie. Save the planet and end world hunger) but it is true; I’m passionate about the environment and I really want people to know the facts and how they can help.